PartsVoice allows you to maintain your own personalized list of favorite dealerships and suppliers.
To search for dealers or suppliers to add to your list of Favorites:
If necessary, log into PartsVoice.
Click the Favorites link at the top of the screen.
Your existing list of Favorites is displayed in the favorite dealers pane on the right.
In the search dealers pane on the left, select a manufacturer and a state from those dropdown menus and then complete as many of the other search fields as you wish to use for filtering.
Press the search button.
Any matching dealers will be displayed at the bottom of the search dealers pane.
To add one of the located dealers to your Favorites, click the Add link below that dealer's name in the search dealers pane on the left.
Your updated list of Favorites will be displayed in the favorite dealers pane on the right.
To remove a dealer from your Favorites, simply click the Remove link to the right of that dealer's name in the favorite dealers pane on the right.
You can also add or remove a dealership to your Favorites from a list of part search results by pressing the corresponding or
button, respectively.